Since I last updated I went to Dan and Sara's to watch the boys for a few days. Sara was able to travel to her brother's graduation and enjoyed seeing her extended family. I have also been with Jim to a couple of meetings in Iowa and Indiana.
Last week, Bob and Janelle were told of some possible problems with her pregnancy so Jim and I wanted to be here in Ohio to help if possible. It may be that the problems have resolved themselves and Janelle will continue with a healthy pregnancy. I am still in Ohio. Jim is traveling this weekend to Virginia to be present at Dan's ordination examination.
Jim and I also made a trek to Chicago several days ago. We had stacks of paperwork, passports, money, and prayers for being able to submit all the required items necessary for visas. As it turns out we came very close to having everything. We are now waiting on two more pieces of paperwork from Brazil. We will go into Chicago again very soon to try another submission.
I am tempted to feel discouraged because I do not understand the details and timing of things. We are grateful for prayer.