Friday, July 27, 2007

Winter in Brazil

I was looking through some pictures of Porto Alegre and thought you might like to see one of the many shopping areas in the commercial district of the city. In 2005 we went shopping here to purchase a Brazilian soccer jersey to display on our table. The salesman tried to convince us it was a genuine jersey and wanted, if I remember correctly, about $50 or $60 U.S. for the jersey! We negotiated the price down to under $10 and I'm sure he still made his profit.

This time of the year is usually cold. This weekend low temperatures will be in the upper 30's(F). Some of the inland area is higher in altitude and gets down to freezing. This would not normally be a problem except that buildings aren't heated. The chill sets in and the warmth you might normally expect as you enter a building is not there. Grocery stores, churches, and homes are cold and you have to be creative in clothing and trying to keep one room in a home heated. One Brazilian lady told me that Brazilians believe you make yourself susceptible to sickness when buildings are either heated or air conditioned. Abrupt temperature changes from outside air to inside air are "unhealthy." I am hoping to purchase some good leather boots when we get to Porto Alegre.

Please continue to pray for support to come in. I believe some churches are in better positions to start taking us on soon. We will be going to North Carolina and Virginia in the middle of August. Thanks for your prayers.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Loose ends...for now

We were gone for a month and things have happened here at home while we were away.
First, I came home to see the lawn was very dry. We needed rain, and that came the last two days, thankfully. Second, I noticed some new critters around the outside of the house. We have a mother rabbit with five babies that are still nursing. When I surprise them, the mother runs and the babies stay very still like small stones.

Also, I found the window well full of dirt! After a bit of investigating we discovered a ground hog had decided to dig in for new quarters. It has dug in the well and down deep by the basement foundation. This is a problem we still have yet to take care of.
We also have a small ribbon garter snake that makes its home along the back of our house. I jump sometimes when I see it, but I figure it helps the small critter population to be kept at bay.

Our computer has been using its security package to protect us from getting onto the server.... Don't you love computers? Hence, it's been a challenge to get onto the internet some days this week.

Jim has three Sundays in a row to teach Sunday School at our home church. So that's a praise. We continually thank the Lord for service opportunities and for help from our home church. They encourage us greatly. Our next meeting will be in North Carolina the 3rd week of August.

A book I have enjoyed on and off for about 10 years is 31 Days of Praise by Ruth Myers. In the appendix (part IV) she reminds us,
"Lord, I'm Yours. Whatever the cost may be, may your will be done in my life. I realize I'm not here on earth to do my own thing, or to seek my own fulfillment, or my own glory. I'm not here to indulge my desires, to increase my possessions, to impress people, to be popular, to prove I'm somebody important, or to promote myself. I'm not here even to be relevant or successful by human standards. I'm here to please You."

This is a small pocket-type book, and I would recommend it for your devotions.

As always thanks for prayers on our behalf.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Yellowstone and the Tetons

We came through the mountains of Wyoming on Saturday morning and arrived in Green River, WY in the evening. We have been provided another beautiful home to stay for a few days. Jim will present the Brazil work on Wednesday evening. We thought we would present yesterday, but the plans needed to be changed.
We really enjoyed seeing Old Faithful and some of the sulfur springs around Yellowstone. As the old saying goes... wish you could have been there with us.

We have had another church in Michigan re connect with us today. We were there last fall, and they are desiring to take us on for support. We will keep you updated on that. Please pray for them to take that step.

We have a very busy end of August through end of October. Pray for us to keep filling up more of the schedule. We have some new possibilities from lists that have been given to us.
As always we appreciate you remembering to pray for us.

Friday, July 6, 2007


Yesterday we left Oregon. We drove through the high desert of eastern Oregon where the truck thermometer registered 108 degrees at one point. Air conditioning is a wonderful thing! We are now in the mountain time zone and will make our way to Green River, Wyoming by tomorrow evening. Since we have some extra time this afternoon, we are going to drive into Yellowstone National Park and try to see Old Faithful and other sights.

I am sure we will get pictures today....

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The cup runs over

Yesterday we got to drive up to Portland to see Alicia for a few hours. She has an incredible view from her deck. In the thick trees birds are chirping, and you can almost feel a calm descend... pretty nice place to relax.

We drove to Eugene, Oregon on Friday and once again have appreciated the great hospitality of the church here. We are staying in an apartment in the church building, and we have been treated to several wonderful meals with good fellowship. Jim preached both Sunday morning services, and the brass group from Maranatha Baptist Bible College did a beautiful concert in the evening. We were blessed.

Tomorrow we will be joining the church folks here for a July 4th picnic and ball game with some fireworks. Our plans are to be in Green River, WY by Saturday for a meeting there Sunday. We are beginning to make our way back to Michigan.

In my devotions I was reading again about Ahab making himself sick over not getting Naboth's vineyard. Jezebel "acquired" the vineyard and hastened judgment on her family. I was reminded again that only God truly knows our every need. Something wicked in us drives us to get the things we feel we must have. I want to keep a loose hold on things and really trust God for His perfect provisions. He is good.

Thanks for remembering us in prayer.