Friday, July 27, 2007

Winter in Brazil

I was looking through some pictures of Porto Alegre and thought you might like to see one of the many shopping areas in the commercial district of the city. In 2005 we went shopping here to purchase a Brazilian soccer jersey to display on our table. The salesman tried to convince us it was a genuine jersey and wanted, if I remember correctly, about $50 or $60 U.S. for the jersey! We negotiated the price down to under $10 and I'm sure he still made his profit.

This time of the year is usually cold. This weekend low temperatures will be in the upper 30's(F). Some of the inland area is higher in altitude and gets down to freezing. This would not normally be a problem except that buildings aren't heated. The chill sets in and the warmth you might normally expect as you enter a building is not there. Grocery stores, churches, and homes are cold and you have to be creative in clothing and trying to keep one room in a home heated. One Brazilian lady told me that Brazilians believe you make yourself susceptible to sickness when buildings are either heated or air conditioned. Abrupt temperature changes from outside air to inside air are "unhealthy." I am hoping to purchase some good leather boots when we get to Porto Alegre.

Please continue to pray for support to come in. I believe some churches are in better positions to start taking us on soon. We will be going to North Carolina and Virginia in the middle of August. Thanks for your prayers.

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