Thursday, June 21, 2007

Time and expectations

On our way to Crater Lake National Park we stopped for a bit to see this waterfall. Further up the river the water has carved out holes and come through rock to create a natural bridge. Water is so life-giving and so powerful that it can tear rocks apart.
But it doesn't happen quickly.

"My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him."
Psalm 62:5
Waiting for things is one of my biggest heart challenges. Please pray that we will not wait upon churches or people to have our expectations met. We need to learn to wait on God and make Him the only true satisfaction of our souls.

Jim preached last evening from the book of Haggai. It was a blessing. Please pray for the folks here in Grants Pass to consider supporting the work in Brazil.
This weekend we will travel to Lebanon, Oregon for Sunday services. Keep us in those prayers. Thanks.

Also we congratulate our nephew, JD, and his wife, Danielle on the birth of their daughter, Lily Grace. Lily Grace is our first great niece. Some pictures are posted on JD's blog. See the link to the right of this post.

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