Friday, August 10, 2007

Little "thorns" in the flesh

Yesterday afternoon I went to mowing in the ditch and ran over a yellow jacket nest. Before I realized that the yellow jackets were riled up (the mower was loud), I was stung quite a few times on the feet and lower legs. I put ice packs on the stings, took benadryl, tylenol, and advil. After awhile the pain reduced. Today I am feeling better. We plan on traveling Monday, so I am glad now to wait a couple of days before we go on a long trip.

Jim went out and sprayed a can of wasp and hornet spray into the nest and then burned the hole out with kerosene. I think he made a major dent in their population.

I am thankful the situation was bearable and the Lord helped me not to have a bad reaction to the stings.

Pray for us to have not only safety as we travel, but also for us to be tender to the Lord's help and leading. Thank you.

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