Friday, November 30, 2007


Things are kind of quiet for now. We have been finishing Christmas shopping, and Jim is working some part-time hours at his long-time employer for many years. He is helping them with software updating and report writing.

I have been reading a small book published in 1939 by Amy Carmichael. She reminds believers of the dangers of entanglement to social expectations, noisy unproductive talk, ("We should write it down as a law of the house that those who are absent are not to be discussed to their detriment, that no belittling stories are told of anyone, nor anything said about anyone unless it passes through the three sieves: Is it true? kind? necessary?"), and of spending time doing things instead of cultivating a closer walk with God.

We are so often reminded not to be caught up in the worldly entanglements of the secular Christmas celebrations. I need most of all to faithfully have my quiet time devotions and to walk with God. I need to be sensitive to the Spirit's reminders to watch my words especially when talking of other people. I need to pay great attention to my expectations being from the Lord.

Thank you for your part in helping us through prayer. It means so much.

Let us be wholly surrendered to God this Christmas.

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